Step 1 of 4 - Tell us about yourself

Calculate the amount of life insurance coverage you need

Answer a few simple questions and we'll calculate how much life insurance coverage you may need and provide you with a premium quote.

What is your date of birth?

What is your province of residence?

What is your Sex

We use your sex to calculate the cost of your coverage. For the purposes of your application, please select your sex assigned at birth, recognizing this may be different from your current gender identity.

Have you used tobacco, other products containing nicotine, or e-cigarettes in the last twelve (12) months?

We use this information to calculate the cost of coverage and give you the most accurate quote we can.

What is your annual income before tax?

We will consider your estimated after-tax income when recommending an insurance amount

How many years of your annual income would you like to provide for your family's day-to-day expenses?

What percentage of your income do you want protected?

What Amount would you like to cover for final expenses?

There are costs to plan for before you pass away. Funerals and estate taxes can cost more than you think - setting aside money for them now can make the difficult business of your death easier for your loved ones.